Smoking Areas


Smoking Allowed Areas Map

This is a nonsmoking resort, except in the designated areas for that purpose.

You can smoke in the 4 designated areas for smoking.

  1. Back of Coco Thai
  2. Next to Mezcalina’s Bar
  3. Lobby Fountain
  4. BBQ área
For more information please refer to our Master Smoking policy

Smoking Policy

Vivo Resorts is declared and accepted as a 100% smoke-free space in accordance with the general law for tobacco control in Mexico (article 6 fraction X), by this reason IT IS RESOLVED that the Association does hereby adopt the following policy governing smoking on or affecting Common and Limited Common Property;



  • Smoking is prohibited in the Common Areas of the Association. On any property of the Master Association smoking is only permitted in those areas designated by the Manager.  Smoking areas are clearly marked with signage and a map is available at reception.


  • Smoke may not be allowed to drift into the common areas.


  • Cigarette butts or other tobacco products must be discarded in a safe manner, in proper receptacles and not on any Resort grounds or beach.


  • Smoking is defined as including carrying, burning or otherwise handling or controlling any lighted or smoldering product including, but not limited to, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vaping apparatus, joints, cigars or pipes. Each owner is responsible for the compliance with the above rules by the owner and all residents within the owner’s unit, and for all guests and invitees of such owner. Violations of this rule may result in a fine pursuant to the Association’s fine schedule as adopted and amended from time to time by the Board of Directors. In addition, per the rules and regulations of the CLUB VIVO RESORTS, A.C. – MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT, for serious or repeated infractions this may include loss of Membership or other remedies considered appropriate by the Board of Directors.